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To remain present, focused, and open to the process, the moment, and the future.

to remain steadfast or faithful; to endure; to withstand, to await with expectation and patience

About Me

Hi, I’m Emily.  I’m a wife, a mama of 3, a lover of Jesus, baking, coffee, my people, and childbirth!  Whether this is your first pregnancy or you’ve already birthed a tiny baseball team and are short a 3rd baseman, it’s an incredible privilege to be able to walk alongside you during your birth process as you get to fully realize and truly understand your own God-given power as a woman!  As a trained birth professional, I work alongside you, your partner, and your Birth Team with a high level of compassion and understanding to provide the knowledge and support you need during pregnancy, labor, and postpartum, to feel confident, powerful, and to fully become who you were made to be. 


My passion for birth began while doing mission work in Haiti. I had the privilege of translating for the midwives on a medical team to the beautiful mama’s in the villages we were welcomed into. Seeing the joy and fear on the faces of the mothers that walked miles to hear the heartbeat of their babies for the first time was something I will never forget. I wanted to walk with each mama through their beautiful birth journey. At the time I didn’t know that God was using that experience to prepare me for a future calling on my life. Fast forward a few years, and that passion grew stronger when I became a mom, a passion that has only grown with the birth of each of my own children.


Personally, I have had three very different birth experiences: our first began as a planned home birth resulting in an emergency c-section; our second-born was a natural V-BAC in a hospital ending with a long NICU stay for our miracle baby/now Spider-Man-obsessed 4-year-old; and our littlest was another hospital V-BAC delivery, this time with an epidural, followed by a ruptured and emergency-repaired uterus. Each birth story requires us to remain present, focused, and open to the process, the moment, and the future. Each one requires us to ABIDE.  Each birth not only strengthened our faith but also my passion for supporting other mothers and families through the journey of childbirth.


**My intention is to support mothers in ANY way they choose to birth or feed their child. There is room for ALL birthing goals and styles and every woman deserves to feel heard, educated, supported, and empowered.  I’m here to serve!



This package is designed for families that want in-depth support prenatally and postpartum throughout the entirety of their birthing journey.

This package is designed for families that want in-depth support prenatally and postpartum, but would prefer to labor by themselves.



“Words cannot adequately capture the gratitude and appreciation I have for Emily. She is an indispensable companion on the sacred journey of birth.”
- Karlie B -

Contact Me

 Contact me today to schedule your free consultation.

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I am the vine and you are the branches. He who ABIDES in me and I in him, he bears much fruit. For apart from me you can do nothing. 

- John 15:5 -

Phone: 620-532-6719
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